Miani said Apple also plans to introduce a purple color option for the iPad Air, as is already available for the iPad mini. A new iPad Air as a whole is expected, with key new features rumored to include an A15 chip, an upgraded 12-megapixel Ultra Wide front camera with Center Stage support, 5G for cellular models, and Quad-LED True Tone flash.
Mockups of what the new colors could look like were shared by concept artist Ian Zelbo, and more details are available in an AppleTrack blog post.
Apple's virtual "Peek Performance" event takes place on Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific Time, with a video stream to be available on Apple's website and YouTube. MacRumors will have full coverage of the event as it unfolds, with other rumored announcements including a new iPhone SE, a so-called "Mac Studio" desktop computer, a new external display, and more.
Buyer's Guide: iPad Air (Caution), iPhone 13 (Neutral)
This article, "Apple Rumored to Announce Green iPhone 13 and Purple iPad Air at 'Peek Performance' Event" first appeared on MacRumors.com
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