In a video showcasing renders alleged to be the upcoming "Mac Studio," Miani also shares renders of the "Studio Display." According to the YouTuber who has an unverified track record when it comes to sharing Apple's plans, the display will measure 27-inches in size with slightly larger bezels than the Pro Display XDR and no rear pattern. The renders show a design similar to Apple's 24-inch iMac, but with a black front bezel and without any visible external ports, although one port would be required for connecting to a computer.
Yesterday, renowned Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said he expects Apple to release a consumer-level display in a 27-inch size without mini-LED this year, and if today's rumor turns out to be true, it'll launch as soon as tomorrow. Today's rumor sheds no light on the potential price of the display, but a price tag around $1,000 seems reasonable given its rumored specifications.
Apple's event will kick off at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time on Tuesday, March 8. In addition to being streamed on YouTube, the event can also be watched through the events webpage and in the Apple TV app. If you're unable to watch, you can tune in to MacRumors on the site or through our MacRumorsLive Twitter account. For a detailed rundown of everything we expect, see our guide.
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