The clones, which seemingly began emerging several weeks ago on Chinese social media platforms, attempt to mirror the iPhone 14 Pro's rumored larger rear camera array and "pill and hole-punch" display cutouts that replace the iPhone 13 Pro's notch. Even the box seeks to closely emulate what iPhone customers have come to expect, down to the barcodes, adhesive pull-tabs, and accessories.
The devices seem to run a heavily-skinned version of Android that simply looks like iOS, but clearly cannot replicate a genuine experience with an Apple device. This extends to the hardware, which bears some significant differences to what can actually be expected from real iPhone 14 Pro models, such as a large "chin" bottom bezel and some artificial rear cameras. A video from YouTube channel "Amazing Unboxing" provides a closer look at the clones.
Earlier this year, counterfeit iPhone 14 cases began to go on sale in China, with varying levels of accuracy compared to real Apple accessories. The proliferation of fake Apple products coming from China related to the iPhone 14 lineup may indicate how confident some manufacturers are about the exact design of this year's new devices.
Related Roundup: iPhone 14 Pro
This article, "iPhone 14 Pro Clones Already Emerging in China" first appeared on
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