Serial leakers Majin Bu and @DuanRui both shared case images on Twitter (now X) separately sourced from Weibo and allegedly based on Apple's official leather-alternative cases. The cases are said to be made of a patchwork of two materials that are more eco-friendly with a smaller carbon footprint than cowhide leather, although there is little other information available at the current time. The colors shown are not believed to be representative of any official Apple case.
Claims that Apple will not offer new leather iPhone cases this year have previously come from three separate sources, so the rumor appears to be worth taking seriously. Apple first released a series of leather cases in 2013 alongside the iPhone 5S. A refreshed selection of colors has accompanied every new iPhone model since then, featuring minor design refinements, such as the addition of aluminum buttons and MagSafe.
Apple is likely to release its new lineup of official iPhone 15 cases alongside the iPhone 15 series, which is expected to be announced at an event set to occur on September 12.
Related Roundups: iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro
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