Gurman said users will likely be able to customize the button to launch a specific app, feature, workout type, or so forth when pressed. He also confirmed that while the Apple Watch Pro will have a completely flat display, the device will still have a rounded casing, contrary to some lingering rumors about an Apple Watch with flat edges.
A couple of things I’d point out regarding the Apple Watch Pro design:
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) September 5, 2022
- No flat sides. They are rounded like the Series 7.
- The new button on the left side is probably programmable to do whatever you want. For instance, launching a specific app, feature or workout.
This is indeed it
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) September 5, 2022
The renders also showed the Pro model with a more protruded Digital Crown and Side Button on the right side of the case, which could make these controls easier to access. Overall, the Pro model looks more rugged than standard Apple Watch models, in line with reports that it is designed for activities like hiking and extreme sports.
Previous rumors have claimed the Apple Watch Pro will have a larger display with at least a 47mm titanium case, a larger battery, an S8 chip, and more.
Apple is expected to announce the Apple Watch Pro alongside two standard Apple Watch Series 8 models and a second-generation Apple Watch SE at its special event on Wednesday.
Gurman has predicted that pricing for the Pro model could start at $900 or higher. Apple is also expected to announce iPhone 14 models and new AirPods Pro at the event.
Related Roundup: Apple Watch Series 7
Tags: Mark Gurman, Apple Watch Pro
Buyer's Guide: Apple Watch (Caution)
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