In May 2019, Apple unveiled the seventh-generation iPod touch. With 32 months having now passed since the seventh-generation iPod touch's launch, it is now the oldest device in Apple's lineup. Apple's next-oldest device still on sale is the AirPods Pro, which were released in October 2019 and hit 847 days old today.
The iPod touch is Apple's least expensive iOS device, starting at $199. With a 4-inch Retina display, it is also the smallest iOS device and the only remaining iOS device with a 3.5mm headphone jack. The iPod touch is most popular as an entry-level device in the Apple ecosystem, particularly for children, and is also a common choice in retail settings due to its pricing and form factor.
It is notable that the seventh-generation iPod touch was a very minor update, featuring the A10 Fusion chip from the iPhone 7 and a 256GB storage option for the first time. Every other aspect of the device, including the camera specifications and color options, were the same as the previous, sixth-generation iPod touch. In terms of major updates, the iPod touch was last redesigned almost 10 years ago in 2012 at the same time as the iPhone 5. Since then, it has had two minor refreshes in 2015 and 2019.
Looking at the Apple devices that the company sold for the longest time, the seventh-generation iPod touch is still some way off the 2013 "trashcan" Mac Pro, which went 2,182 days without an update before the launch of the modular 2019 Mac Pro.
The iPod touch is the only iPod product that Apple still sells following the discontinuation of the iPod nano and iPod shuffle in July 2017. Despite the hopes of some iPod enthusiasts and excitement around the potential nostalgia of reviving the classic iPod design with the click wheel, there have been no rumors of an eighth-generation iPod touch, or of any new iPod models at all, meaning that the future of the entire iPod brand and product line stands in question.
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