In "Detectives," a pair of detectives sitting in a car discuss Cinematic mode, which lets you shift focus between subjects in a shot. The foreground detective mentions that the focus is on him since he's the main character while the background "supporting cast" detective asks whether he's out of focus and "what if my character had a big reveal?"
In "The Basement," a woman wanders through a dimly lit house as a ghostly voice repeatedly cries "Help me!" As she opens the door to the basement, the woman says "I'm scared...that the picture quality will suffer in such low light," but the voice from the basement reassures her that she "looks really good."
The final ad is entitled "Pavel" and it features black-and-white footage zooming in on a man sitting alone in a chair while somber music plays. A woman enters and begins speaking to him in Russian, asking if he is okay and saying "this slow unnerving zoom suggests you are descending into madness."
Tags: Apple ads, Shot on iPhone
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